Distant Shores
Two Eras Colliding into a Moving Story of Identity and Pride.
Title: Distant Shores
Author: Dike Ekejiuba
Genre: Historical Thriller
One of the beautiful factors about Distant Shores that makes it a literary treasure to intellectual readers is the Igbo Landing reference it builds up to. An Igbo warrior, Somadina, who is among the leading characters of the book takes us through the adventure of his life which contemporaries with the slave ship voyage that ended up in the enigmatic Igbo Landing tale.
Ekejiuba however overlaps Somadina's story with a modern story of hotshot TV presenter, Yemisi who finds an older former colleague with whom she shares a common travail of an unusual metal disorder. In their joint efforts to find solutions to their problem, they are led to Georgia, US and along a long winding journey of discoveries. The author has done a severely laborious job of bringing this story to live. If you love a book that takes you through a long but thrilling journey through emotions and borders, Distant Shores is for you.
Rating: 3 Stars.
Buy the book here.